NeuroSim Cases


Each case comprises a history and interactive examination, followed by some questions. At the end you can review the anatomy on an interactive brain scan.
  • History Read the case history carefully
  • Acuity cover each eye to see what the patient can read
  • Visual fields click to test locations in the visual field Black dots indicate they can see it; green means they cannot.
  • Face move the mouse to test eye movements. Hold and drag mouse to shine a pentorch. Click on mouth to look in oral cavity.
  • Power and reflexes Bars and numbers indicate MRC grading of each muscle group. Each reflex is graded by 0 to 4 + signs.
  • Dermatomes select pin, cotton wool or tuning fork to test pain, light touch and vibration sensation. Click on the body to test sensation. A black dot indicates normal perception. Green means reduced sensation.
  • Blue buttons Choose the best answer.
  • Grey buttons select all the answers that apply.
You need to get at least one answer correct to "complete" a case.